I’m not going to lie, I’m very excited for Doctor Who Season 9 but this prologue was… Useless.

I’ve rewatched this to see if I missed some depth or interesting factoid that was embedded into this video somewhere but I haven’t found anything! In the past the Doctor Who prologues and prequels have served a purpose, but this does nothing! This does not build interest, does not build character depth, all it does is have the Doctor give an unseen object to someone. This is called a writer’s catch all. Who knows, maybe Moffit doesn’t know what the Doctor gave the lady of Karn, he might just be giving that object off in case he writes himself into a hole and has to go “Oh yeah, remember that time on Karn the Doctor gave that woman something? I can use that!”

Obviously this is just ridiculous cynicism, but at 2 minutes of the Doctor being pouty how else am I supposed to react? I miss when the prologues were good… Have you ever seen the bit right after 9 regens into 10 and his regeneration goes poorly? Now that’s what a prologue should be.

C’mon Moffit, you can’t just reuse old costumes and old rocks you made earlier and throw in a shoddy script about friends being enemies and think the internet will praise you for it.